Designed by Arthur E. Stilwell and built by the Pullman Company in 1897, the "Stillwell Oyster Car"

was fitted with Cloud pressed-steel trucks. Pullman Neg. 3938, 1897.

(Pullman Co., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)



The Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf Railroad was a railway company that began operations in the 1890s and owned a main-line between Kansas City, Missouri, and Port Arthur, Texas. It was led by Arthur Stilwell before being thrown into receivership and eventually being absorbed by the Kansas City Southern Railway in 1900.

Trackage on the KCP&G was complete from Kansas City to Shreveport, Louisiana, as of March 2, 1897. By September 11 of that year, the line ran all the way to Port Arthur, Texas– a town Stilwell essentially created and named after himself. However, the railroad was in financial trouble by 1899. On April 1, 1900, the Kansas City Southern Railway took control of the KCP&G properties after purchasing them at a foreclosure sale in Joplin, Missouri.

The section of the line within the boundaries of Louisiana was chartered as the Kansas City, Shreveport & Gulf Railway Company (KCS&G).

Projected system map as of 1893; however, Sabine Pass was later discarded as the southern terminus.

(Poor's Manual of the Railroads of the United States, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)


Kansas City Southern Railroad Shops at Pittsburg, KS circa 1910.

(Acmegraph Co., Chicago, IL via W. Lenheim Collection)