Grand Trunk Railway No. 10, an early 2-6-0 locomotive.

(Provincial Archives of Alberta, No restrictions, via Wikimedia Commons)



The Chicago, Detroit and Canada Grand Trunk Junction Railroad Company was usually referred to as the Grand Trunk Junction Railroad. It was situated entirely within the State of Michigan, extending from Fort Gratiot to West Detroit, a total of 60.835 miles.

The Grand Trunk Junction Railroad was incorporated in the State of Michigan, and had a principal office at Detroit. About 48 per cent of its capital stock was owned by the Grand Trunk Railway and it was operated under a 999-year lease dated July 1, 1859, becoming an integral part of the Grand Trunk Railway System.

All of the line's owned mileage, 60.835 miles, was acquired by construction during the years 1858 and 1859. The construction of the road was contracted to the C. S. Gzowski Company, a nonaffiliated construction company.

The entire property was leased to the Grand Trunk Railway for a term of 999 years from July 1, 1859. Under a supplemental lease dated April 1, 1863, they paid a rental equal to 6 per cent on $1,095,000 par value of funded debt and 4 per cent on the capital stock in the hands of the public, or $571,164.17 par value. The rental accrued as receivable for a year ending on date of valuation was $88,546.56.

Under an agreement dated September 13, 1859, the Western Union Telegraph Company was granted the joint use of the telegraph pole line of 58.64 miles, and one wire was erected thereon at its expense.

Source: ICC

An early 1897 map showing the Grand Trunk Railway system.

Poor's Manual, via Wikimedia Commons)


See Also:

Railroads A-Z